Floricică, 6 examples – 1stG, 2ndG – Romanian, seuRomanian

Floricică is a genre of dances found in Oltenia & Muntenia, Romania.

The regions of Romania

There are many dances named Floricică, some of which have qualifiers like Floricică Munteneasca.

For information about Floricică in general, click: https://folkdancefootnotes.org/dance/a-real-folk-dance-what-is-it/about/__trashed/

For information about 1st Generation Floricică, click: https://folkdancefootnotes.org/dance/a-real-folk-dance-what-is-it/1st-generation-dances/floricica-1stg-romania-n-w-bulgaria/

For information about Floricică Olteneasca, click: https://folkdancefootnotes.org/dance/a-real-folk-dance-what-is-it/2nd-generation-dances/floricica-olteneasca-romanian/

Many performing groups exhibit a dance with Floricică in the title. Of the 6 examples shown below, I could find no YouTube examples of these being danced in a Living “village” social situation in Romania. Each has two or more dance patterns. Each is choreographed so dance patterns change with changes within the musical arrangement, suggesting it would be difficult to dance to other music, or to live music unless it had the same arrangement. None are listed in Anca Giurchescu’s book Romanian Traditional Dance. While it is possible some of these dances were or are danced in a Living situation, I think it is more likely they were created or modified to fit the requirements of a performing or recreational dance group – my definition of a 2nd Generation dance.

Hora Romaneasca dance group, Boulder, Colorado, 2012.
Kolo Koalition, 2008.
Dance from Muntenia in Romania. Presented by Tingluti Dance Group, Copenhagen, 2009.
Ansamblul Museteanca Insuratei, Muntenia, 2019, “Suita floricica

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