Hora mare, Hora nuntaşilor – lyrics

Asta-i nunta ca-n povesti

Asta-i nunta ca-n povesti is the name of the song used by Sonia Dion & Cristian Florescu for the dance they choreographed and called Hora nuntaşilor. For that dance, see https://folkdancefootnotes.org/dance/a-real-folk-dance-what-is-it/2nd-generation-dances/hora-nuntasilor-romania/Below is the YouTube of the recording, as sung by Ghita Munteneau.

However in Romania, Asta-i nunta ca-n povesti is one of many songs sung for the Hora Mare at weddings. For Hora Mare, see: https://folkdancefootnotes.org/dance/a-real-folk-dance-what-is-it/about/romanian-wedding-dances/ Here’s Andrea Todor doing just that. She sings verse 3 first, then verse 1 – chorus is the same; then she goes into another song. Note the ‘dance’ is a simple grapevine – something everyone can do – no lessons!

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